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Monday 29 July 2013

Someone else is watching you

Actually they're stalking you. And whilst you might think this is your lucky day, actually this is not cool.

Imagine your stalker following you around wherever you go and making a note of where you are and exactly what you do when you get there. Then, if that's not enough, they take that information and sell it to other people so that they can understand your behaviour and then accost you on your way to your next destination.

Not cool, especially when this is also done by 'trustworthy' brands such as John Lewis. This graphic shows that JL made 4 tracking requests to my computer when I visited their web site.

Now imagine that it is a group of people stalking you all at the same time and they are all studying your behaviour and all selling your activities to others.

That is the reality, right now, every time you browse the internet.

Now I'm all for a personalised experience when visiting web sites and I understand that to do that they need to know about me and what I want, but doing it without asking and en masse is way uncool!

So, it's time to take back control. The only person that is going to protect your privacy online is you. Your web browser isn't going to do it and your ISP (the people that connect you to the internet) certainly isn't. So, it's time to get with the programme.

And thankfully there is a quite simple option open to you, and it's called Disconnect. This is an add-on to your browser that gives you quick and simple information about which websites are trying to track you and lets you anonymise your activity. It's quick and easy to use and let's you choose which stalkers you're happy to let into your life.

There are also other nice functions such as a creating a white list, secure search and stats around time and bandwidth saving. See the demo.

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